Frequently asked questions

Where are you?

We are located in Bunns Lane, Mill Hill between the junctions with Flower Lane and Grahame Park Way. The entrances to the site are on Bunns Lane, on either side of the Bunns Lane Car Wash and immediately next to the bridge which carries the M1 motorway and the train line.

Is there 24/7 access to the site?

Yes. The gates are locked overnight but if you let us know that you will need to access your container during these hours we can arrange 24/7 access.

What are your terms and conditions?

Our terms and conditions may be viewed here.

What can I use my container for?

Containers are provided for business related storage. They are not workshops or garages. Parking is provided strictly for access to your container.

What can I store in my container?

You may store any business related items apart from the following: hazardous, combustible, flammable, explosive or illegal items.

We only work with businesses so will not rent containers for house moves or domestic storage of any kind.

The containers are not insulated so please do not store anything which is temperature sensitive or which may be affected adversely by damp. We do our best to ensure that containers are watertight but if dryness is essential you will be better off using a company which can guarantee this.

Is there lighting/power/water in the container?

No. The containers are standard shipping containers so no utilities are connected. They are not refrigerated.

Do I need to arrange insurance of my stored items?

All items are stored strictly at your own risk and we take no responsibility for the condition of the contents. We strongly advise you to arrange your own insurance.

What do I do if there is a fault with the container?

Please contact Laurie on 020 8959 8046 or email as soon as you notice any problems. We will endeavour to put things right as quickly as we can. If we notice a problem we will call you.

What notice period do I need to give when I leave?

We invoice you on a monthly basis so you can leave at any time during the month. Once you have confirmed that the container is empty, tidy and unlocked we will stop invoicing you. If you do not tell us you have gone you will continue to be charged.

What notice would you give me if you terminate the agreement?

If you do not pay your invoice we reserve the right after 14 days to change the locks and/or enter the container and dispose of the contents and to charge you for any expenses incurred.

In the unlikely event that we need to terminate your agreement for another reason we will endeavour to give you at least four weeks' notice so that you can make alternative arrangements except in case of emergency.

Are there any times when I cannot access the site?

Occasionally, maintenance work on the Bunns Lane Works site may restrict access to the containers. Except in case of emergency we will give you notice so that you can make alternative arrangements.

Do you use my data for marketing purposes?

No, we only use your data for invoicing and related purposes. Our GDPR policy is here.